Detoxing your mind and your body. The holistic healing you didn’t know you needed…
In short, with nature and intention. Energy grows where attention goes. Once you feel you need to cleanse, set your intention on just that. Sincerely focusing on cleansing will open up more ways to do it and items that will be best for you to use. Let your intuition speak to you.
You are naturally connected to Spirit. So, there is nothing more powerful than you and your focused intentions. You are the most important thing. There’s nothing to talk about here without you. You are the magic.
I stress this because we are too often underappreciated because we haven’t ever gotten the proper attention. And finally giving yourself so much attention can feel awkward at first. Again, you deserve all the fuss and special attention and more. You always have.
I find the best tools to use when getting back to the basics are those that Nature has provided. Nature is how we interact with the Divine and learn universal laws and lessons. In fact, in Kemet (ancient Egypt), the Divine written words on the temples known as hieroglyphics, is called the Medu Ntr. And this has been translated to mean Mother Nature.
Not only are they mostly free and abundant, they suit our natural body systems best also.
Simply getting out in Nature and connecting to the Source can often provide the internal, spiritual reset needed. You are made up of the elements of the Universe. Being inside too much isolates you from where your cells come from. While being outside is like plugging in and being renewed.
Slowing down enough to pay attention while outdoors also allows you to focus on something bigger than yourself. And if you can cut off distractions, it should spark gratitude which is a simple, yet effective mood lifter.
Another mood lifter is grounding with your bare feet on the ground, simply soaking in the positivity. Oddly enough, this releasing feeling comes from negative ions. They revitalize cells, enhance immunity and balance the nervous system. Negative ions are most abundant in natural, clean air, near waterfalls and plants, for example.
Air teaches us to focus on Flow. Stagnant energy blocks the flow of fresh energy, which draws negativity. Lies also cause spiritual blockages as you can’t move forward as freely with the truth being held from you and only a lie to build from.
Imagine going through life with the idea that snow is “white-hot”, and how much that might restrict your behavior and habits in winter. Conversely, spiritual power increases with speaking truth. The more honest you are with yourself, the more you are able to see and accept about yourself first, then others. And this keeps the flow of energy and your overall vitality and well-being fresh and unhindered.
DETOX YOUR MIND by getting to know and paying attention to your energy so you can more easily identify what doesn’t belong and should be cleared away.
This can be done by observing yourself and staying curious about why you do what you do. This is the real key to living a conscious life; knowing thyself by being aware of what you do and why. It keeps you in the mindset of always improving and open to new thought patterns and brain cell connections (neural pathways). This keeps the mind young. While staying committed to old ways and thoughts can age you much quicker.
CLEAR YOUR HEART by having conversations that are long overdue. This also includes conversations with yourself about things you’ve been avoiding. The hard, ugly things you may not want to face.
1. Be honest with yourself and someone else you trust to be just as open and honest with you.
2. Journal how you feel and what you want to say and hold no expectations for the response.
3. If a conversation is not possible, write a letter and get everything off your chest that way. Then you can keep it until you are ready to release it, then throw it away or burn it.
DON’T force forgiveness for any new issues that come up.
DO assess the damage that’s been done and it’s impact on how you interact with yourself internally and others.
DON’T try to take on everything at once or without the proper support system in place.
DO ask for strength to see what’s been hidden from you about yourself. And rest assured knowing that you ARE your best self.
DO take your time to get to the root and correct it.
DO stay patient with yourself as you heal and grow. You deserve that compassion.
PRACTICE BREATHWORK because conscious, full breathing is cleansing to the body and mind. It nourishes the cells with oxygen and sends the message that we are safe to our nervous system, reducing stress and inflammation.
INCENSE AND NATURAL FRAGRANCES utilize plant-based power and the air to influence mood instantly.
Water covers most of the earth so it is the representation of cleansing in the physical realm. It is key for physical cleaning. It provides resetting, refreshing and renewing properties. And is cooling, clearing and cleansing. Water is recognized as being the first vehicle and the first mother as we were all birthed from the waters of our mothers’ wombs to get here. It is the conduit of Spirit. It’s thought to carry our oldest prayers and helps new things grow where old things have withered.
DRINKING WATER is essential because when toxins build up in the body, it can affect our mood and ability to think clearly. It helps push the toxins out of you through sweating and the other releasing rituals of the body. Drink good, naturally alkaline spring water, intentionally. Like drink extra until it becomes a habit. You’ll feel the difference.
SPIRITUAL BATHS AND HEAD WASHING Have you ever noticed you feel much lighter after your hair is freshly washed/done? Washing your hair and scalp with natural things regularly can contribute to keeping the mind clear. Bathing is already a physical ritual we all (should) do. Applying your conscious effort to making it a spiritual one as well is all that’s needed to elevate it to a sacred act.
Spiritual baths can be taken with additional herbs and elements from nature. Simply pour your bath mixture over yourself in the shower after washing from head to toe with natural soap if you can’t soak in a bath tub.
A SIMPLE SPIRITUAL BATH RECIPE for self-purification: 1 cup of salt or epsom salt, 1/2 cup of vinegar and a few pine needles. Bleach and rubbing alcohol are old school alternatives used to enhance the cleansing power of a bath that I learned from my own grandmother.
Developing and committing to a regular spiritual bathing schedule for yourself – whether 3, 7, 14, 21 or 30 days – can be a major assistance on your spiritual journey. Following the moon cycle, it takes 21-28 days to break a habit. And then you set out to create a new one. Remember to be easy on yourself. You are breaking up old blockages and re-establishing flow and a pattern of growth. It will take time, but those patterns are sacred.
TYPES OF NATURAL WATERS that can be added to your bath/shower are rain, river, ocean and moon waters that have been charged under different phases of the moon’s cycle. The full phase of the moon is full of the most light and power, so it is often used to bless and direct it’s power into water and other natural items.
THE SUN is the safest, most consistent example of fire we have. It searches all parts of the earth and fills it with light. And letting it shine on you enriches your overall well-being. It is the literal recharging of all of our cells as they rely on properly functioning melanin to thrive.
EXERCISE The body is constantly in motion or some level of activity completing processes, pumping blood and much more. Exercise further heats the body to allow it to burn not only fat and calories, but to release stagnant or anxious energy from you, like steam from a pot. It oxygenates the blood and increases circulation, supporting optimal flow within all the body’s systems.
STRETCHING uses the breath and movement of the body to encourage more flexibility and to push old, stagnant air and energies out.
Other simple types of personal cleansing to help you stay mindful and empowered to improve your situation. Always remember, the power is in your hands:
CLEANSING AND BLESSING YOUR HANDS AND FEET helps you pay closer attention to what you do and strengthens your personal power.
SWEEPING YOUR AURA with your hands before bed provides a final clearing away for the day and makes bedtime more intentional as you ensure you don’t bring any unwanted influences into such a sacred space and time.
HERBS and plants are both physical and spiritual medicine from the earth. They have gifts full of both visible and unseen magic, just like people have unspoken gifts and charm. So, respect the spiritual power of plants as well as their medicinal and nutritional benefits.
SALT absorbs and draws to itself. So it does the same with negative energy and has been used spiritually for centuries by our Ancestors.
Mix plain old white salt with your stated purpose and sprinkle on floors to absorb any negativity lingering in your space.
Then commit it to the earth, so it can be transformed into something useful as you sweep or vacuum it up and dispose of it.
1. Lemon, lime and vinegar – Acids are catalysts and catalysts spark change
2. Pine and Tea Tree oils – cleansing and anti-septic properties from trees
3. Hyssop and bitter herbs – Purifying. Bitter taste stimulates salivation and the digestive organs. And good digestion increases the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste from the body.
OUR RITUAL ENERGY CLEARING SCRUB is a sea salt scrub already blessed and charged with the intentions to clear your energy of any heaviness or imposter feelings. It calls forth what you’d like and deserve instead. Try it today to jump start your spiritual cleansing practice!
But whatever you do, be good to you.