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Cleanse your soul, clear your path and live your best life with good spiritual hygiene

Soul Refresh Secrets: Spiritually Cleansing Your Space

Blog post #3

Detoxing your mind and your body. The holistic healing you didn’t know you needed…


Keeping clean means keeping the dirt, debris, negativity, clutter and buildup of unwanted, un-useful things – out of your energy field which extends to the spaces around you.

There is a very spiritual reason for the African-American cultural tradition of New Year’s cleaning. Cleaning your home top to bottom including: washing all clothes, bedding, walls, floors and all help to clear away anything you don’t want to linger or come with you into the next year. In this spirit, here are ways year round that you can make sure you have the right energy in your home and release the wrong energies regularly.

Protection & Boundaries

Protection means everyone can’t access you. Boundaries provide an invisible barrier between you and things that can harm you. When we enforce our boundaries, we are putting up a layer of spiritual protection around us. Never just let any and everything be ok with you. You can become open for good and bad intentions if you leave the gate wide open. And worse, your mental stability will be in danger if you allow any and everything or everyone into your mind.

Boundaries for your home include:

*Not allowing outside clothes on the bed is the same concept.


Not shining light and air on any wound will cause it to fester and get worse. So that energy’s hold on us can be more difficult to escape. One subtle sign is clutter in the home. Focus on flow with the element of air to clear away stagnation.


OPEN WINDOWS AND BLINDS regularly to let fresh air flow into all the spaces of your home encouraging the old out and fresh energy in. We enjoy cleansing with the sun shining in our space as well.


SWEEPING utilizes your own energy to push out what’s not wanted and move fresh air into a space at the same time. Always acknowledge the bad leaving as you sweep. And watch as your space not only looks cleaner, but feels lighter and freer as well.

Words are vibrations that have the power to change our cells and DNA. And you can add that power to your living space


Sound is vibration that travels on air. It can be used to cleanse as well


HERBS AND OTHER NATURAL ELEMENTS offer their strength and properties for many uses besides teas and other common ways they are used. They can be combined with your own divine power in order to make everyday items connected to you sacred.


INCENSE SMOKING/SMUDGING uses the same premise to bring the natural essence of the plant plus fire and your intentions together into your space. It is the nature of smoke to rise, seek out and fill all corners, crevices and spaces it can reach. Therefore it is known spiritually to cleanse and carry messages. This is referenced in the Bible, which adapted it from ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) practices where incense burning was used a symbol of prayers going up to the heavens, amongst other things.

* Always allow the smoke along with the negative energies they are moving, out of an open window or door.


CRYSTALS silently emanate or send out their energy that has built up due to the immense pressure, time and interactions with other natural elements that form them. They are silent allies with great presence along your journey. They offer grounding support to your home. And based on their specific energies can benefit different areas that align in our homes.



BURNING CANDLES Candles are a representation of our bodies whose core is the fuel for the flame of spirit that burns within. Like us, a candle both stands connected to the earth and burns beyond this realm at the same time. It lights up and energizes our intentions focused on or into it.


IN SUMMARY, clutter in the home is an indication of a lack of spiritual clarity. It’s hard to live with constant micro-aggressive reminders of what we haven’t done yet. So cleaning the home physically and energetically can lead to a more productive life and a clear and calm home.


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