Found a blend that works for you? Try our subscription program and get it delivered weekly to your door without the hassle of ordering each time.
Current weekly blends available:
Liver Detox Herbal Blend
Cold Fighter Herbal Blend
Lung Detox Herbal Blend
Inflammation and Pain Relief Herbal Blend
Gall Bladder Herbal Blend
What you get:
Enough herbs to make about one gallon of tea
Instructions for making tea at home
Note: You will be charged for the first week’s blend at the time of your subscription purchase. Then in one week you will be charged automatically for the next week’s blend and this will continue for one month and then until you cancel.
Cancellations: You can cancel anytime after the first 4 blends are delivered (or the first month).
These are proprietary blends and they may contain ingredients not listed and formulas may change anytime.